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Caribbean Island Surfski


2025 Ze Race - Guadeloupe photo: Pierre Vilella video

From Wikipedia: “The Caribbean Sea is a sea of the North Atlantic Ocean in the tropics of the Western Hemisphere, located south of the Gulf of Mexico and southwest of the Sargasso Sea. It is bounded by the Greater Antilles to the north from Cuba to Puerto Rico, the Lesser Antilles to the east from the Virgin Islands to Trinidad and Tobago, South America to the south from the Venezuelan coastline to the Colombian coastline, and Central America and the Yucatán Peninsula to the west from Panama to Mexico.”

The Caribbean Islands have also been known as the “West Indies” - The Caribbean islands were called the West Indies by Europeans because they were west of India, which was known as the Indies. The term was coined by Christopher Columbus in 1492.


Current Wiki List of Caribbean Islands

This list clearly does not include all of the significant islands in and adjacent to the Caribbean Sea. And many of the ones that are currently included in this list contain little or no information about the status of surfskis/surfskiing there because we have neither found nor been provided with such information.