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Big Wind Expected Friday

Larry Goolsby
04/06/17 #20989

Looks like it will build through the day. Biggest wind is in the afternoon. Might be too big…..

Eric Grossman
04/07/17 #20990

Winds on left, waves on right, Looking like fun rides into the night!!!

Reivers Dustin

04/07/17 #20991

What I'm seeing is that red can going up and down where the bottom goes out of sight. This is a scouch too burley for moi.

John Rybczyk
04/07/17 #20992

2:02 pm. From Marine Park. Maybe the likes of Ana Swetish would go, but it's too much for me. So gusty. There's no getting the boat on and off the car solo. I'm going home!

John Rybczyk


04/07/17 #20993

Locust just registered a gust at 57 mph! Perfect stand up paddleboard conditions.

David Scherrer
04/07/17 #20994

Lk. Whatcom anyone?


Dale McKinnon
04/07/17 #20995

Post Point camera is 30'-40' above water level, base of #2 buoy is +4' in flat water. Watching the buoy tower swing 25-30 degrees and the base completely disappear in a trough means it's 5'-6' chop/waves out there, and boy howdy am I ever glad the bell was taken off that buoy.

David Scherrer

04/07/17 #20997

Well that was interesting…..launched at the Fairhaven launch area. Marine Park was beset with large rollers.
Punched out beyond the drydock and proceeded to get hammered by large mixed up seas and gusts. So I headed toward the Park shoreline planning to head up out of the craziness. Once up in the boat launch area again I proceeded downwind but a little closer to shore this time. As I was quickly passing the beached sailboat, I got hit by an amazing fury of wind. It basically grabbed me and pushed me right into the shore…these was nothing I could do about it. As I was franticly trying to dislodge myself paddling backwards, I happened to look over my shoulder to see the water transformed into a white cloud. Believe me, I was happy not to be out in it.
Never been shoved ashore before…….
Tomorrow should be nice.


Reivers Dustin
04/07/17 #20998

NICE!? tomorrow should be nice? jeeze loueeze dude. did you get a little sea frack in your orifices?

calming down here.

just a casual observation, but was there really room in your cockpit for whatever size testicles you must be packing? Steady wind over 40, gusts to 60. Maybe you got those lead weight downrigger balls that act like ballast.

How was it getting back around the dry dock? a wee tad frisky I bet. a little particle ticklish?
For this wind my phat boat would have to be a foss tug. Of course you might be going for this year's “helicopter buoy” award. Not sure the choppers would go.

When my son was getting where he thought he was bullet-proof I took him up to Padden when wind was pulling water off the top. He thought it was great. No life jacket, no leash. I tucked into a corner and watched. Sure enough one of those williwaw's came down and plucked his skinny rump out of the boat. It was funny after we got all the parts and pieces to shore. It was also amazing to watch because he actually didn't tip over. I watched as the wind just picked him up with some help from paddle lift. He came down a couple feet from the boat which steam rollered away from him. Am I a bad father? LB always told me for best discipline you arrange for your child to have natural and logical consequences, hopefully without permanent damage.

just. dude. from now on we say, “david would go”.


David Scherrer
04/07/17 #20999

Now Reivers…never went around the dry dock…just launched at FBL and stayed in Fairhaven Bay.


Reivers Dustin
04/08/17 #21000

Oh. Um, as rosanne rosannadanna would say, “never mind”.

(Editor's Note: Reivers meant Emily Litella - same actress - Gilda Radner, different character)

Dale McKinnon
04/08/17 #21001

David, has NOAA started charting Harris Bay as “Fairhaven Bay?” It would make more sense if they did, especially to landlubbers.