Reivers Dustin
07/17/09 #6657
— In mipp@…, “Greg Greene” <greggreene@…> wrote:
How can a paddler improve their ability to handle rough water when all they only have small lakes to paddle on?
Jude from Huki gave me a drill that has really helped my balance in confused chop and rebound waves of 2-5'. Ideally, paddling on Lake MI in these conditions is the best practice, but for many of us all we have are smaller bodies of water. Essentially, I pick a session where I also want to practice remounts and this way it forces me not to hold back and get the most out of the drill. Start on flat water if rough water paddling is new to you, otherwise paddle in the choppiest lake waves you can get to. While paddling, roll your boat as far as you can on to its edge and hold it there as you move forward several minutes at a time. Force the boat to either take on water or tip over, and learn to trust that you can lean on the paddle and not come out of the boat. I get out on the windiest of days (1-2'chop) and do this drill with the waves at my side gradually teaching my body to feel comfortable in that position and to trust the secondary stability of the boat. On Saturday, I put this practice to the test at Pictured Rocks/Lake Superior with 4ft+ rebound waves and wind. I set no speed records but seldom had to brace and felt a level of confidence that eluded me in the past.
Good paddling,