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Northwind Practice 12/07/2022

Bellingham Bay North Wind practice
Paul Reavley
12/07/22 #32803

Wilson doing laps Monday last week:

Dan Mayhew 12/07/22 #32804
Awesome video! It's great to watch Wilson's flawless execution, but I must admit I enjoy watching your other family members' videos that include the occasional huli.

Also, should we surprise Wilson with some booties for Xmas?

Reivers Dustin 12/07/22 #32805

Reverse. For some reason going this direction intimidates me. Of course part of the problem is having some real strong explosive pull when you need it.

Michael Lee 12/07/22 #32806

Must not have been too chilly. He’s not wearing booties.

Reivers Dustin 12/07/22 #32807

This 'no-bootie' thing is a real thing. I've heard that some surfski riders say that they have to have the feel. So ok, there's real feedback as the boat moves around. I've tried it. Problem is, that goes away when you have frozen appendages. And then, how the heck are these kids carrying their boats down over them gol-dang rocks. Just what the heck? Got touchy-feely-feet, then get all iron across the rocks.

Back in the day, Joost was trying to explain to me that when you are balancing and working big rides, there's a million things you are doing. Paddle angle, shifting your butt, short-strokes, front-to-back leaning, … just a million body english things that you don't think about. You don't even know you are doing it. If you actually process any of that stuff, then baby you are going swimming. So yeah. When your feet feel maybe a little kick of side pressure, or boat roll, it's part of the menu.

But I don't think I'm going to be working up in that part of the buffett. These dang kids. They don't know they can't be doing that stuff, so they just make it happen. It aint right. gol-dang kids.

Duncan Howat 12/07/22 #32809

RD, I hate to say it, but not wearing booties for someone under 60 around here is like sleeping naked ,or wearing full pajamies.Easy choice.and for good reasons.

Dean Bumstead 12/07/22 #32810

I’ll bet those are heated pedals.

David Scherrer 12/07/22 #32811
Hot Blooded…

Tyler Irwin 12/08/22 #32812

I've never done the reverse run, (mainly due to the cold appendages issue that was already hashed out) but it's amazing how well things line up, and clean up once you get to Post Point. Is that pretty common with the northerly winds?

Reivers Dustin 12/08/22 #32813

Oh man. I got talked into doing loops from Wildcat upwind to Governor's point. It was one of those summer Norther's. I remember EG and Jim S. showing up. They saw me drive up so I couldn't chicken out. The shore offered shelter from wind and waves except for a couple of narrow spots. So we would work our way up to Governor's then crawl offshore into these giant rollers. It appears that fetch matters. These waves were nearest thing to swell. I have not been in waves that size in this area before or since.

I was intimidated. Had trouble catching these rides, didn't have the nerts to go offshore where they were really rocking. I noticed Eric flying his freak flag out in the bigs. Jim would hang back with me until he got hooked up on the waves and then just roll off into the distance. It was real. It was fun. But it wasn't Real Fun.

I've only done this once, so I don't know if every Norther brings that. Maybe EG can tell us. Might have been special wind direction plus currents at that time.


Paul Reavley 12/08/22 #32814

Other folks around here have done many more north wind runs than I have. My experience is that the waves tend to line up very nicely and grow quickly in the north end of Bellingham Bay often reaching and maintaining a good size from around half way to Marine Park. (my run last February - the day before was reportedly also very similar) The rebound in the dry dock area can be strong but doesn't last too long. Folks who want to jump in where the waves already are getting good sometimes start at Boulevard Park. My experience after Post Point is more spotty, often with wave sizes dropping then typically growing again as I have gotten closer to Wildcat. (Looks different coming from the North - don't miss your takeout)

Paul Reavley 12/08/22 #32815

Denise's downwinder last February the day before my video

beau whitehead 12/08/22 #32816

The run from Bellingham to Samish Island a few years ago was pretty awesome. About 10 miles. However the shuttle is a big time commitment and the take out leaves something to be desired. But I’d do it again.

Eric Grossman 12/08/22 #32817

The reverse DWs are great because they are downwinders! In case you all missed it or want to see it again and suffer through my music and videography-here is the scientific authority on the subject and comparison of summer and winter reverse DWs!

Reivers Dustin 12/09/22 #32818

There it is. At 1:35.


Dennis Mowry 12/09/22 #32819

So is that you playing the guitar, Grossman, “Carlos Man”?
Great vid and playing