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Next Tues shaping up

Reivers Dustin
12/13/20 #28212

Our own version of Pamplona - running of the waves coming to the bay.

Reivers Dustin
12/15/20 #28217

OK, so next Tuesday was today. I pulled all my paddle-crap together and eased into a parking-port there at Marine Port. There was a couple wild looking OC guys thumpin' chests and wrasslin boats around. Turns out these cro-magnons had just finished a DW from Wildcat and it was just too good to only eat one of those runs. So they begged some strappage off me and drove off south for another go.

I decided maybe I should try dippin my paddle in out there. As I was suiting up, Crash-Test-Davie rolled up. It was ON. If Crash-Test was going, then so was Rapid-Reivers. While we were knuckle-draggin our selves around getting ready, Mad-Dog-Marcus rolled up. So us three Piltdown men did a couple of runs to the tunnel. The first grind down was very hard. Woulda injured normal type paddlers. Crash made it look easy. Mad-dog pulled well. Rapid was not very. When we got to the tunnel point and turned out, we didn't go far. It had enough Westerly that I got forced over early, and the waves were pretty good there anyway. It was really fast runners with a lot of chop and rebound. Some burly gusts were whipping in sometimes. Our next run the wind seemed easier and not so much Westerly. Faster pull down to Tunnel point. Once we turned down-wind, the big horses were running wild. For some reason, even with less wind, the waves were starting to organize. Once in a while a big old green-back would rumble through and I heard whooping and hollering across the water. For some reason Mad-dog had on a small rudder. He broached a few times and played fiberglass tag with Crash-test. I heard them yucking it up over there, but I had my own party going on. We thought about a third run, but it harder to catch rides with your tongue draggin in the water.

As we were scrambling to stow our crap, the original cro-magnon team showed up. Mad-dog had seen them way out there when we did our second run (better eyes than me). They said first run was better. I could see that it must have been. There was a channel out by the red-can that looked like Calgary Stampede.

It was a good day for pre-historical men.