Reivers Dustin
10/11/20 #27774
might have too much heft on Tues. heads up.
David Hooper
10/11/20 #27775
Could be perfect if you catch it just as it's swinging from due east in the early a.m. to WSW in the midafternoon. Throw in some 44 mph gusts, waves from all directions, rebound, and it could be “interesting”. Maybe Tyler should go investigate?
Tyler Irwin
10/12/20 #27778
Ha! If someone drops me at Eliza Island, I’m down.
Reivers Dustin
10/12/20 #27793
Looks like it starts up around 10, fully rocking at 2. First couple of hours showing Southerly, swinging from the SW by 2pm. The timing on all these models is usually wrong, but if this is accurate, then the big winner will be down by Larrabee at approximately 10am.
David Hooper
10/13/20 #27796
Yah, most of what I've seen looks best between 9-11 am, with it swinging SW and getting pretty spicy (anything from 40-60 mph) from 12ish through mid-afternoon.
Reivers Dustin
10/13/20 #27799
iKite this morning shows big heavy early. I'm getting wobbly about going today. might load up, drive down and look. Then just skip forward to the after-coffee and lies. Would Big Wave Howat go? Eddy? Little Wave Reivers mmmmmaaaybe.
David Scherrer
10/13/20 #27800
Well lest the air quality is good….who’s Eddy?
beau whitehead
10/13/20 #27801
It's Eddie. And he wouldn't hesitate(-:
sirhc dlowtret
10/13/20 #27802
Chuckanut Bay Area update @ 8:45.
Synopsis: looks good:
Reivers Dustin
10/13/20 #27804
hey, that looks like rain. I might get wet. Man. I dunno.
Duncan Howat
10/13/20 #27805
Another note on Eddie, after all night upside down, radio under water, he said he would go to get help, on his surf board, paddling to Lanai, which is off Maui. Perhaps a 10 mile paddle, but it was windy. He jumped in and as I understand it, the crew wanted him to wear a life jacket,he said no just slow him down, and away he went. Probably no leash either. But thats the way things were then, and somewhat now even today over there. I have this great poster of him surfing, definitely a inspiring person. So it's currently at the airport 20+ gusting 30+ which means the bay is bigger, later things may drop a little,before it goes more west.
Reivers Dustin
10/13/20 #27807
Me and David did a run at about 10. We paddled down to the tunnel, stopped for a pee, then paddled out 1/4 mile or so. It was technical around the point, but wind wasn't so much. Big two direction waves. Out of the briney deep, Beau went whistling by me flying amma. Davie pulled away from me going just inside the Post Point Buoy. I worked over outside of it. Just before I got there it really kicked off big. Not dead West, more like from Eliza. Waves immediately got giant. Still cross-direction stuff, so I had to work to get rides. We had planned to do Outfall Buoy, then Boulevard. But this was pushing toward Boulevard and I was groovin it. I kept looking for Beau or David, but can't see well in that and it's not easy to focus for long. So I rolled up to Boulevard and at the end of a nice ride, spun upwind. For all those nice folks sipping latte's at Woods, probably no big deal. For me: big deal. It was a two mph slog. Once in a while I would get smacked with rebound and not have any speed. I could feel the rudder losing grip and the boat trying to fall off into the wind. It was a bit of hard grunt to get things moving again. I thought about crawling in to the boat launch area, but had good calm water in there so went past it. Turns out David and Dmow were in there hoping I would come ashore so they could save me that last mile of slog. But I could barely look up with all the chop-n-slop. So I did a Duncan under the piers and made it to the MP beach. David helped carry boat and it was a good thing. Not sure anyone could single-carry a boat in that wind. By the time I changed there was smoke on the water and some of those big williwaws pulling big streamers of water off the surface.
Going with the wind was not too bad. I'm guessing 40mph wind. But with this much Wester in it you would be screwed, blued and tattoed if you found yourself near a rocky shore like the wall or something. Would love to hear a run report from some of the OC crew that did the downwinder.
Reivers Dustin
10/13/20 #27808
Oh yeah: big old cedar down just across the street. I just happened to be standing in the driveway when it popped. It managed to crumple two of the neighbor's cars. That old thing has dealt with so many of our big storms from the south. It didn't like the Westerly.
Gregg Kravitz
10/13/20 #27809
Gregg Kravitz
10/13/20 #27810
You simply cannot go anywhere in the state of Hawaii and not see the bumper stickers and other tribute to Eddie which all read: “Eddie Would Go”
beau whitehead
10/13/20 #27811
Pure, dumb luck (or really good forecast interpretation) was at play today. Put in at Wildcat around 10am and we were all complaining that the wind had died. Direction was out of the south 10-15 I’d guess. Started getting fun by the tunnel and then right about at the red can when I saw Reivers I felt the wind change. By the time I was parallel with the dry dock it was gusting to 40 I’d say. Screaming run from there to Cornwall/Glass/Syringe Beach.
It took 3 people per boat to load up. That may have been the hardest part of the day. Big thanks to Paul & Denise who showed up just in time to help carry canoes.
Around noon the CG and fireboat were out looking for a “yellow kayak” in distress south of MP. Who’s gonna fess up?
Reivers Dustin
10/13/20 #27813
Uh, my boat is yellow. Nobody mentioned an aid call to me, though. I was off the water about 11:30. Should I follow up on this with CG?
Years ago the CG would get a rash of calls from the people living on the bluff over the tracks. They would call whenever we paddled down towards the tunnel and there would LOTS of calls whenever anyone would do re-entry practices. I think now they just watch with their spotter scope and hope we drown. Probably the husband is watching, yelling, “Gladys, look at those idiots!” and the wife is yelling back, “Shaddup Lennie, the bachelor is about to give somebody a rose!”.
Paul Reavley
10/13/20 #27814
We heard CG on radio say that the yellow kayak had gotten assistance….
Ryan P.
10/13/20 #27815
Suppose you could bodysurf the shore break. Might want a thick suit and helmet for the rocks though!