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Reivers is Too Slow.....

Larry Goolsby
04/11/09 #6050

Reivers was going to be the one to write this post but he didn't do it quick enough to satisfy me, so I'm doing it. Only a small handful of us met out Marine Park this morning for our usual Saturday morning workout. Shaun couldn't make it cuz he was at some spa getting his eggs painted (whatever that means) and I suspect that a few of our locals drove down through the Seattle traffic headed for that new race at Lake Stevens. As we stood in the parking lot watching the wind build and the caps increase in size, I had to reflect on my priorities: surf the best water that I have seen in 2 months or go suffer through some traffic with the hopes of paddling so hard that my chest would explode and I might walk away with a little 5“ ribbon. I chose to surf.

As we paddled south from Marine, the waves in along the shore were small and didn't make the upwind trek hard at all. The Wall was fun but we were all getting seperated since we left the parking lot. Keeping this group together was like herding cats. Most of us pulled up to Govornor's around the same time and we took a vote to continue to Whiskey because now the waves were looking bigger and spread apart. The return trip is going to be hard to describe.

The waves going north were not scarce but plentiful. As I paddled, I was zig-zagging all over and wherever I pointed my nose, the wave in front of me would drop away and a bigger one would pick up my stern and rocket my boat forward. This happened so many times that I started to think that either I had telepathic powers and could will the waves to do what I would think or maybe, I was clairvoyant and knew just when this was going to happen and subconsciously pointed my boat in the right direction. This was something that I shouldn't share with my friends or they would get envious and hate me.

As I paddled ahead, I joined up with Reivers and chatted with him about the awesome conditions and then I made the waves take me over to Dean and chatted with him. He remarked that there were so many good waves that you couldn't help but get ride after ride. This deflated my ego because I just had realized that my super powers weren't so super, it was just really good conditions. We continued on and passed Marine Park and headed into the bay until the waves got smaller and it was time to go home before our arms fell off. Since I was clairvoyant, I could see this happening.
Larry G.

An acceptable level of ecstasy.
Reivers Dustin

04/11/09 #6051

How can you spot a happy paddler? They've got seaweed in their teeth. We had it good this morning. All you lubbers and scalliwags missed one of the best Saturday paddles of the year. When we got to Marine Park the wind was dead. But way out in the channel there were good looking waves. Then just as we were getting set to go it got breezy. LG said we should have started 1/2 hour earlier. It's true, we could have pushed down with no headwind. But it wasn't bad anyway. The wall was bouncy, but not really technical. The wind was steady, but not cold or gusty.

We had to hold up a lot for Dean. Until we turned around at Whisky Rock. Then it was a stampede. The cormorants and seagulls could barely get out of the way quick enough. The waves were those long low fast runners that are so sweet. They weren't big or anything. I remember looking at my GPS and seeing 9.5 steady on for the longest time.

We haven't had a big rudder day in so long. Everyone was bouncing around in the parking lot grining and gasping at the end. None of us did coffee since we'd spent a little extra time on the paddle.