Many race event lists and calendars, though hosted locally and more focused on their locales, also include events held in other countries. There is often a bit of a lull each year before they are fully updated during their off seasons for their coming race seasons. There are not that many good race calendars that are well maintained. Unless affiliated with an official organization or substantial club or company they often suffer from neglect or abandonment.
Jericho Paddling Club Calendar - somewhat OC and Pacific Northwest focused, but one of the easiest to understand and best maintained calendars. When results are available there is a link to race results added to the calendar under the race name. These results are Jericho's own copies of the official results, not a link to some other source. The calendars with their result links have been saved since 2000 - see the list at the bottom of the calendar. The calendar has grown over time from being primarily OC6 centric to include more and more popular regional small boat races and important international races. Links to all of the race hosts are contained in the calendar right hand column.
Screen shot of Jericho race calendar