Étang de Berre is a lagoon/lake fed freshwater by rivers and canals and connected to the Mediterranean by a canal
Best wind direction: Wind from the North, from full North to North-West, (very rare North-East) Best season: From April / May to September / October. July / August: perfect to try it out for the first time. Be careful in the winter months with the strong winds of the Mistral because the water is very cold, between 5 and 7 °C. And this run gets far from land, working with a wind that is more off shore the more northerly the wind is. (Ed. At least it is enclosed in the lagoon, the coastal runs with an offshore wind can send you toward Corsica, Sardinia, or Africa)
Put-in: St Chamas 19.3 km paddle, Istres (Pointe Monteau) 17.5 km paddle