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Bundeena Bay/Bar

Main Sydney/NSW Australia Page

Bundeena Surfski Surfing


Mark Sundin: “This is a bit of a mystery break in some respects, it's coded as a 'novelty spot' on surf websites, which means when everything else is being obliterated by a big southerly swell or East Coast Low, it's surfable for the board riders. For a kayaker, it mostly provides the sort of gentle, barely breaking waves … They're slow, easy & as consequence-free as you ever get on a paddle craft. On a decent day however, it can be epic & every bit as demanding as a beach break.”

Launch/Parking Options

  • Lugano Ave. West side of Port Hacking/Gunnamatta Bay has a small parking lot and water access, you can also park on the street
  • Cronulla Boat Ramp
  • Royal Motor Yacht Club (Boat Ramp & Large Parking Lot - is this open to public?)
  • Royal National Park on South side - you can buy a park day pass for parking or park on nearby public Bundeena streets for free and walk to some of the beaches on the south side for launch.


  • Long surfing waves good, ​ exceptional maybe 6 times a year?, surfable quite a bit more often? Check with Expedition Kayaks who seem to have it dialed in?​​​​​​
  • Steven John Percival (facebook)“ …I'm not local so I use Tides4Fishing (Bundeena) on my home PC it predicts Tide, wind,surf etc. I have found 1 hour before low tide with a minimum of 2m swell the best.I haven't perfected the swell direction yet but an easterly swell would be best”
